August 27, 2015

Buntwani 2015 was a huge Success!

The Open Institute, Techsoup Global and Making All Voices Count successfully organized the second Buntwani conference Johannesburg, South Africa. Coming a year after holding the first Buntwani in Nairobi, Kenya, the conference was a global gathering of actors from the civil society, technology, donor, research, government and policy sectors focusing on the intersection of governance and innovation.

“It was a truly awesome event, in which everyone made a contribution in the circle,” Jay Bhalla said, referring to the unique way in which Allen Gunn of AspirationTech facilitated the conference. “Everyone was able to contribute to the agenda of the conference and we all were able to get some very concrete outcomes.”

The event was held in a unique way that involved everyone sitting around a circle and at different sessions broke into small groups to work together and then feedback into the circle. “I was very worried about the conference at the beginning because I could not see a firm agenda and the set up of the room was very different,” remarked Gilbert Sendugwa, the Executive Director of AFIC Uganda. “But I was happy to find that the conversations that we had were so diverse and useful that I now that I have seven action points that I am taking away with me.”

Here’s a flavour of the conversations that were held at Buntwani 2015 on Storify.

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