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Our Story

We are a non-profit organisation based in Nairobi, Kenya that collaborates with Governments, Civil Society Organisations, Citizen Groups and Private Sector companies to find innovative ways to achieve Sustainable Development. Our mandate is to work with governments (at national, subnational and hyperlocal levels) as well as citizens, CSOs and other stakeholders to promote Responsive Governments that have the necessary capacity to listen and engage fruitfully with citizens and Active Citizenship by citizens who are informed and fact-driven. 

 Through our work we want to see open and proactive governments that ensure all the relevant information concerning development is disclosed to the public to give value to citizen voices – so that citizens have influence in their decision making. The Open Institute undertakes ambitious projects and programs that promote the use of data – both from the supply and the demand side at the grassroots and sub-national level.

We see a future with an open society that is managed by informed fact-driven citizens. This society features a responsive and accountable government that delivers the services its citizens need at the level of service they deserve. This society includes active non-state actors who play an active role in educating citizens on their role as responsible and active citizens safeguarding democracy and development. These non-state actors also engage actively with the government to provide feedback from the grassroots on the changing realities facing citizens and the emerging needs for which services and policy must evolve to meet. 

This society is composed of citizens who are informed about their role, empowered to play it and equipped through the right infrastructure, appropriate technology and relevant policy and legislation. We see in this future a continent that is making inclusive progress towards elimination of poverty, creation of wealth and the establishment of capable and developmental institutions.


Our Story in Pictures

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+254 721 327 511



209 State House Road,
P.O Box 50474, Nairobi 00100, Kenya

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