Category: Announcements

Welcoming new team members

All policy decisions are mainly influenced and discussed by government, large Civil Society Organisations and large Companies. Citizens are often invisible in these engagements. As

Ability: We are Back

We are excited to be back after a long silence since we started the Ability Project in 2018. As you will recall, last year, we

Our Website Reloaded (Again)

Today, we relaunch (again!) our new website. This would be the fourth iteration of our website since we started out in September 2012. What’s more,

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We welcome Executive Order on Procurement

The Open Institute welcomes the news that President Uhuru Kenyatta yesterday signed an executive order requiring all government entities and public owned institutions to publish

Sunrise image - We have rebranded

We have Rebranded!

Today, marks a new chapter in our lives. We have rebranded. For the past six years, we have come a long way – from once

Introducing The Ability Project

Do me a favour: think back to earlier this morning when you were getting yourself showered and dressed. Perhaps like me, you enjoy catching up

Announcing the Kaya Community Lab

The team at the Open Institute is pleased to announce the launch of the Kaya Community Lab. This initiative brings together various stakeholders in communities and/or