Category: Events

The colour festival that marked the end of a successful programme at Lit Initiative

#BeLit: Lit Initiative’s work with Malindi’s youth

We’ve been supporting Lit Initiative, an organisation based in Malindi, Kilifi County, in a training programme educating 18 students on the functional literacy subsets of literacy and numeracy, financial literacy, civic literacy, digital literacy and life skills. At the point of graduation on the 7th of May, 2022, 12 students successfully finished the programme.

Nandi officially launches the County Data Desk

Nandi County’s Data Desk was officially launched on 5th May 2022 amidst pomp and glamour at the County headquarters in Kapsabet, making it the second county to establish the facility that collects, curates, analyzes and publishes relevant county data, in line with their commitments to the Open Government Partnership.