Category: OGP

Nandi officially launches the County Data Desk

Nandi County’s Data Desk was officially launched on 5th May 2022 amidst pomp and glamour at the County headquarters in Kapsabet, making it the second county to establish the facility that collects, curates, analyzes and publishes relevant county data, in line with their commitments to the Open Government Partnership.

Introducing the Badili Initiative

  We are happy to unveil Badili (Swahili for Change), which is an on-line resource to share stories and experiences, initiatives, content, and generally track progress on the data

How sustainable is OGP?

Having been involved in promoting the Open Government Partnership over the past couple of years in Africa, I have had a couple of experiences that have introduced

Post-2015 and the Data Revolution.

I recently had the honour of participating in the Dialogue on Data for accountability within the post-2015 agenda framework earlier this year in New York.