Category: Open Institute

Programme Manager of Ability programme, Crystal Asige has been nominated to the Senate.

Congratulations, Senator Crystal Asige

Image Credit Crystal Asige, our Ability Programme’s lead, has officially been gazetted as a Senator – representing persons living with disabilities in the Kenya Senate.

Through the lens of a woman film-maker at OI

I am told, I am the first woman to get inside a gold mine in Vihiga county, Kenya. In many parts of the world, women are not allowed to go anywhere near a mine because it’s believed that mining sites are men’s territories, so women are responsible for removing gold from the soil after the actual mining process. Women are kept away from the mine shafts; dark, dusty, claustrophobia-inducing holes that usually go almost a Kilometre into the earth. “It is not safe for a woman to go down there. It is just not done.”

Ending 2019: What we know now

As the year 2019 comes to a close, we are in a reflective state. This year was for us so transitory, that we intentionally deferred

Introducing the Badili Initiative

  We are happy to unveil Badili (Swahili for Change), which is an on-line resource to share stories and experiences, initiatives, content, and generally track progress on the data