Category: Open Institute

APRM, OGP, What’s The Plan?

In May 2013, delegates convened in Mombasa for the first OGP Africa Regional Meeting; a two-day conference that brought together representatives from Civil Society Organisations,

Announcing the Global Open Data Initiative

The Open Institute is excited to announce the Global Open Data Initiative, which it is spearheading together with the Sunlight Foundation, Worldwide Web Foundation, Open Knowledge

Code4Kenya Launch

Below the speech delivered by Jay Bhalla, Executive Director of The Open Institute Trust, during the Code4Kenya Launch Event held on the 24th of January

Open Africa Summit – Beyond the Hype

This weekend, leading lights in the global Open Data scene will attend the Open Africa Summit, a “Think/Do” meeting to be held in Zanzibar between October

Open Data in word collage

The Power of Open: my reflections

I said yesterday that, I am likely to have more to say as part of the discussion started by Nathaniel Heller of Global Integrity Commons, wherein he wondered whether Open