About Open Institute Programmes

Our Programmes, in line with our mission as an organization, aim to enhance collaboration with governments, citizens, civil society organisations and other players to develop policies, tools and knowledge that strengthen citizens’ voices in the governance and development in their societies.


Our Programmes

Subnational Citizen Engagement

We work to build citizen capacity to use data for better engagement with government and other stakeholders for better resource allocation and development outcomes, and achievement of global and national goals.

Open County

We work with subnational governments to build their statistical capacity for better transparency and accountability, while providing technical support to establish structures to better listen to and engage with citizens.

The Ability Programme

The Ability Project aims to gather data around the Nairobi Central Business District and clearly mark out how accessible these every day environments really are, by using the globally recognized concept of Universal Design as our compass.

Open Extractives

We work to improve the working environment for artisanal small scale miners as well as to build on the body of knowledge for the achievement of Kenya’s policy goals in the mining industry. We recognise artisanal small scale mining potential and the need to create a conducive ecosystem to foster its development.

Data Governance

The #RestoreDataRights movement aims to work with governments and other stakeholders towards realising a transparent, inclusive and accountable COVID-19 response in Africa and beyond by working to foster trust in the handling of people’s sensitive personal data.

Community Monitoring

To monitor the COVID-19 pandemic, we created Nuru as a tool to crowdsource observations about how citizens are coping in the exceptionally difficult circumstances brought on by the virus, with the aim of inspiring engagement with civil society, governments and other stakeholders to take action and effect change in their communities.


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The Programmes Team

I have been responsible for establishing the Data scraping and wrangling division at the Open Institute, as well as contributed to the creation of grass-roots data literacy training modules. I believe that an informed person makes better choices.

Benjamin Charagu

Operations & Programmes Director

I am a human rights and development professional with over 5 years experience in advocacy and supporting the coordination and implementation of donor funded projects in human rights, governance and development in Kenya. I am passionate about active citizen participation and advancing the rights of women.

Ivy Gathu

Programme Officer

I lead and consult on projects surrounding universal design and accessibility best practices in order to achieve inclusive transport and infrastructure. With a focus on how SDG 10 (reduced inequalities) and SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities) disproportionately affects PWDs.

Crystal Asige

Programme Manager, Ability Programme

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+254 721 327 511




209 State House Road,
P.O Box 50474, Nairobi 00100, Kenya